Hey, I'm Angel.

I’m 40 years old

and have many kids.  

They’re everything to me. 

I feel deeply fortunate to be their Mom.


At 37, my life changed.

I was no longer a wife, only a woman and a mother.


I found myself unpracticed at being real, 

desperately unable to assert myself,

and without examples of many women who embodied a way-of-being that resonated with me.


Over the past few years, 

my mind crafted a Playground. 


The Playground showed me MYSELF. 

I saw how the real me


how she moved… 

what vibe she gave off.

I saw how she talked… 

the words and the tone of voice she used…

what she did and didn’t talk about.


I saw how she behaved in certain situations…

how she felt…

and what it LOOKED like to BE myself- to be Angel.


In that playground, 

my inner self ran free, and still does.

She’s not burdened, constrained, or suppressed.


She’s wild, yet she’s innocent.

She’s simple, yet mysterious and profound. 

She’s spontaneous and curious, yet so purposeful.


There is a version of you that doesn’t feel lost. 

She still feels free, expressive, and open. 

She is inside of you; 

she’s in the playground of your inner world.


Go there. 


Watch her, talk to her, see how she behaves, listen to her.

Trust yourself.


Lead yourself back to who you are.

You have not lost yourself.


I am so glad you’re here, 


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